Jak využít i-Lab v práci – profesionální využití Inovační laboratoře

Jak využít i-Lab při práci – profesionální využití Inovační Laboratoře

Zde publikujeme příklady využití iLab při práci a scénářích pro i-Lab setkání.


Vývojová dysfázie

Language: Czech, Format: .pdf

Vývojová dyslexie

Language: Czech, Format: .pdf

Stop prokrastinace

Language: Czech, Format: .pdf

Bolest a její zvládání psychologickými prostředky

Language: Czech, Format: .pdf

Už se nebojím ….. už ne.

Language: Czech, Format: .pdf

PDF What do you think about bullying?

Language: English, Format: .pdf

What do you feel as weakness?

Language: English, Format: .pdf

What am I going to do in ten years?

Language: English, Format: .pdf

What makes a day in practice going to be a success?

Language: English, Format: .pdf

Communication is important because…

Language: English, Format: .pdf

A conflict is, if…

Language: English, Format: .pdf

Tale-therapy as a supportive therapy method of people with multiple disability – creating of a therapeutic tale

Language: English, Format: .pdf

Therapeutic toys as a part of space arranging for children with multiple disability

Language: English, Format: .pdf

Forms of group collaboration with parents of people with disabilities – conducting thematic workshops

Language: English, Format: .pdf

A functional diagnosis – constructing diagnostic tasks for selected areas of child development

Language: English, Format: .pdf

Technologies supporting communication of people with multiple disabilities

Language: English, Format: .pdf

Adjustment of working methods in special kindergarten to the individual needs of children with disabilities

Language: English, Format: .pdf

The role of inspiration in work with children in early school age

Language: English, Format: .pdf

Implementation of the research results from the realized research projects

Language: English, Format: .pdf

Raising awareness of the local community for the needs of people with disabilities

Language: English, Format: .pdf

Identifying methods improving the functioning of a person with a disability

Language: English, Format: .pdf

Behavioral observation sheet of a child in the school environment

Language: English, Format: .pdf

Early childhood education and correctional pedagogy with environmental education

Language: English, Format: .pdf

What project can be realized with blind and visually impaired children in the field of environmental education?

Language: English, Format: .pdf

Program Health Education Year as a tool of developing the health awareness of students with special educational needs

Language: English, Format: .pdf

PDF Methodology of teaching Design Technology and Information Communication Technology – searching for new work topics of works

  Language: English, Format: .pdf